Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Strange evening activity

"What did you do last night?"
"I watched tv. What did you do?"
"I made a top hat."

Last night I made the top hat for the Mad Hatter costume. The entire time I was making it, I was thinking that it wasn't going to turn out and wondering why I didn't just go to the theatrical shop and buy one for $10. The last step is to sew the brim onto the top. It was so ugly and misshaped at this point, I almost threw it away. But I figured I'd come this far, I'd sew on the brim and see what it looked like. I did and it's awesome! The fabric store is out of black trim, so the brim has a raw edge that won't be there come time to actually wear the hat, but other than that it's done and I love it. I kept saying, "I made a top hat!" last night. That's normal.

Making the hat was even more satisfying because I already had black felt left over from my skeleton buddies. The Simplicity pattern I used last year for Sweeney Todd's vest came with a top hat pattern that worked with minor alterations (making it a bit taller and wider at the top). The ribbon is the fabric I used to make the jacket and vest. So the only cost I will have is the $1 trim around the brim!

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