Monday, September 21, 2009

I can't stop

I have an online shopping addiction. It's so exciting to click that "buy" button and then to get something in the mail that isn't a bill! So satisfying. This seems to be a recent problem. I used to be able to browse, sometimes thinking, "I could make that" and occasionally actually making something I'd wanted to buy.

The sites I can't stop buying things from are:
1. - forget your Target/Wal-Mart trip with this site. The prices for everyday household items are very competitive and everything is delivered to your door with free shipping in recycled and biodegradable packaging. Get stamps, toilet paper and granola bars delivered to my door? Don't mind if I do.
2. - Very affordable makeup (some things as low as $1!) with frequent coupon codes. I love the mineral line, especially the foundation and eye shadows and they are a fraction of the price of brands like Bare Minerals. I have so much (over a dozen mineral eye shadows alone) but I can't stop. Just ordered some more yesterday.
3. - this one you all know about. Every time I buy something off Etsy, I get more excited. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, since I sell on there, I know how excited I get when I make a sale. By buying things, I know I am giving that happiness to someone else, which thrills me more than it should. Second, there are so many original, inventive, eco-friendly things on there. Case in point, I just bought these reusable produce bags from Love For Earth. I have been using reusable grocery bags for a long time, but never found any great reusable produce bags, so I've been either letting the produce roll free in the cart (gross!) or using the plastic bags (bad!). I got 6 small bags and 3 medium bags. I asked for an assortment of colors, but I think my favorite are the green, pink and black.

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